That's why I greatly enjoy presenting the superior pairing appearing here. I saw this on /u/, and I don't think I could make a better synopsis than an Anon over there: "not that i understood most of it, but the gist of it seems to be that yasuna, wanting hazumu so badly, invites him/her over with a thinly veiled excuse of some new cd she wants to show. along the way, she pushes hazumu down a puddle (heh, and she apologizes under her breath) then gets her to take a shower at her place. then some stuff about 'oh i lent you my panties and you got them all wet' and 'i'll teach you all night about womenly pleasures' and so on."
Probably a trend the observant may have seen is my interest in the surprise kiss (notice my choice of pictures from the works I share). In my first post I mentioned sharing with me things you've found I have not shared and are not hosted other big-name places, but I'll say it again just so people know. I would especially appreciate works with surprise kisses...: shynaku222@aol.com
I am pretty sure I have translated this, given to zeDaBdan for editing and it has been completed... though I didn't save the finished version and didn't want it posted on solelo, as I did not really like this doujin too much - magically appearing dildos are a big "no" to me. ^-^; Perhaps you could contact zeDaBdan and ask if he still has it?