Friday, December 25, 2009

Kashimashi — HQN

HQN Adult!
So a nice — though untranslated — Kashimashi doujinshi. Kashimashi was pretty good, I would have to say, but Hazumu definitely ended with the inferior of the two possibilities... in my oppinion at least.

That's why I greatly enjoy presenting the superior pairing appearing here. I saw this on /u/, and I don't think I could make a better synopsis than an Anon over there: "not that i understood most of it, but the gist of it seems to be that yasuna, wanting hazumu so badly, invites him/her over with a thinly veiled excuse of some new cd she wants to show. along the way, she pushes hazumu down a puddle (heh, and she apologizes under her breath) then gets her to take a shower at her place. then some stuff about 'oh i lent you my panties and you got them all wet' and 'i'll teach you all night about womenly pleasures' and so on."

Probably a trend the observant may have seen is my interest in the surprise kiss (notice my choice of pictures from the works I share). In my first post I mentioned sharing with me things you've found I have not shared and are not hosted other big-name places, but I'll say it again just so people know. I would especially appreciate works with surprise kisses...:

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Kyo... Kyoudake dakanna! (part deux)

Kyo... Kyoudake dakanna! megaupload rapidshare Adult!

This was previously posted, but this time around it's been translated. Huzzah. Anywho, now that I can read it: It starts off referring to something not seen in the doujin — most likely happened in the anime and we are assumed to know what happened — and then sex follows shortly that is not really dependent on what happened. Enjoy.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Candy Animal Girls! Adult!

Though my favorite will always be Mai x Sayuri, any Kanon is appreciated. Unfortunately, this one is untranslated, but I'm hoping at some point a few freelance translators can at least give me some scripts for some of my sharings.

Spoiler if you haven't watched Kanon (though you should; recommended by me: a non-regular anime watcher): I quickly noticed one of the girls to be Makoto, but it took me a while to figure out the other one is the girl who tells Yuichi that Makoto is a furry. Mishio, also being a furry, gets it on with Makoto for unkown reasons by me, a non-Japanese reader. I did take out the 20th page as it had cock in it, but left the page before that for the furry fans — though it could be said ears and tail =! furry.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Kyo... Kyoudake dakanna!

Kyo... Kyoudake dakanna! Adult!

So this is something I saw on /u/ that may be another unfortunate loss (at least as I see it). It was posted in entirety, and a translation was posted in the same thread; unfortunately, that thread was lost into the latter pages quite quickly; therefore, I will keep it here with the translation saved as a txt file.

The story is... I actually don't know. All I know is these two come from Strike Witches and I have never watched said show; I cannot comment on the context for which these two are interacting. There is nudity, so it shouldn't bother the majority of you anyway...

Friday, December 18, 2009

Lucky Cho

Lucky Cho! Adult!

A non-KonaKaga Lucky Star translated doujinshi. I have been asked in the past to put this on, but I felt it had too much Tsukasa and Miyuki.

No real story here; no reason for them to be having sex, and no overt showing of affection.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Touhou — Thinker & Dreamer

Thinker & Dreamer Borderline Adult
Finally done with my finals and can get back to the blog! Anyway, found this on /u/ today and thought I could archive it here. More than likely it will be picked up by our friends at Wings of Yuri, but I thought I might as well keep it safe.

I would like to talk more about this, but it's mostly text driven, and I don't know Japanese; thus, I can say it definitely seems yuri of a sometimes borderline adult fashion with Touhou characters I am unfamiliar with... Sorry I couldn't do better...

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Hiyorin Break

Hiyorin Break Adult!

I learnt something good today: Hiyorin Revenge has another similar doujinshi only with Yutaka and Minami instead of Yutaka and Konata. Even better, this one is both translated and edited. The same translator of Revenge did Break, and the editor of Break is a person I have worked with in the past: Beottkot, the magnificent.

Story is: Minami wants to have bigger breasts. Rumors say if someone rubs your breasts, they will get bigger. The only person Minami can trust for such a task if Yutaka. Sex ensues.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Akogare Asobi

Akogare Asobi Adult!

I found this on /u/ a long time ago; at that time I didn't even know who it was based off. After a fair share of lurking, I found out it's from Negima!, a manga I have never read a single page of. Regardless, Konoka and Setsuna — apparently the names of the two people depicted... — have somewhat of a following, with their relationship bordering in canon in the actual source (if only KonaKaga were so lucky). Even if you know nothing of these characters, you should still be able to get the gist of the story here: bland dialogue leading up to sex.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Hiyori Revenge

Hiyori Revenge Adult!

This is a doujin that is partially untranslated. There is a txt document which has the translation — provided by a nice Anon over on 4chan's /u/ board — but to my knowledge there has never been an edited version. My thanks go out to AnonE — an editor and one of the first people I worked with when starting out, see the credits at the end of Visitor's Business — from bringing this to my attention. Warning, the style is very loli-ish while also pornographic.

To anyone who wants to take up the challenge of editing this, one of the possible problems I heard of would be transparent bubbles. My remedy: Fill in the bubble white and use different type for different styles. Using this as an example, use grey color for thought and a different font for when Konata imitates Minami.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Favorite pairing HO!

Usagitotanuki Adult!

Despite hosting a comprehensive KonaKaga collection, my favorite pairing has to be Mai x Sayuri from Kanon — and probably has been since I watched the original back in the early naughts (that's what I call 2000-2009 CE). Unfortunately, I find too small a number of fanart and, especially, doujin(shi) depicting these two.

This is a quite graphic doujinshi. From what I can gather, Sayuri ties Yuuichi up, then proceeds to have hawt secks with Mai. Mai seems reluctant at first, but by the end realizes the bliss of yuri and starts some luvin' back at Sayuri.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Runthrough of Konami Collection

I'm procrastinating from doing work, so I thought I might as well be semi-productive and give a runthrough of what is on as of writing this. I will note that these are my opinions, and if you disagree with the grades or notes I give a work, good for you!

Celtrance collection: A-
Almost all amazing. Great art and decent story telling (as far as doujinshi go). The only thing I don't like about what Celtrance has to offer is the short rape scene at the beginning of Ao Geki Murasaki Mamoru (without this, it would have scored an A+). Ao Sumire tells the story of how the girls come into the relation, and AGMM is a later story where they seem to not be concerned who knows of their relationship. All of these are adult!

Classmate Shock collection: B
Pretty solid. A three part series which is just a bit quirky at times. The first half and second half of these are to be viewed as separate instances (I think) so us who worked on it felt the side-stories unimportant enough to not scanlate the last one... Unlike Celtrance, the relationship is in full swing in the beginning and it deals more with how to go about carrying out their relationship. Can get close to adult!

Eunos collection: A
Fantastic. Good art, solid character portrails, comedic, pretty much the beacon to which others should emulate. The main KonaKaga story is quite long and tells a story of the progression. Unlike Classmate Shock — where the reluctance toward the relationship was through social stigma of lesbianism — the slow progression is driven by Kagami's tsundere personality. The other stories are side events that tell of events happening after they are already together. Again, unlike CC, everyone seems to be quite aware of their relationship, which is a nice thing to see. Can get close to adult!

Lucky Point collection: A-
Nice, basic story. Lucky Point starts out with the two main characters seemingly unaware of their mutual infatuation. Pretty early on into the second story (Summer) they seem to realize their feelings and end up with some hawt secks as a result. Autumn is about telling their friends about their relationship, and Winter is simply a story after everyone's okay with their relationship (Kagami seems to speak quite openly to Tsukasa about the hawt secks she and Konata have). Can get close to adult!

Tonaride Anthology: N/A
Only one thing translated, so I will reserve judgment until later. We do have a Eunos story to look forward to at this point, though.

100% D Drive Kagamin: A-
Well executed. Comedic, good art, a job well done. Konata realizes her feelings toward Kagami, and is left with some abnormal behaviors when a novel circumstance which threatens her feelings arises. Completely safe.

Cicada Drizzle: A-
Best of both world. Somewhat touching in the beginning, hawt secks at the end. This doujinshi holds a certain place in my heart as it is the first KonaKaga story I saw translated; even more so, I saw it the steps that went into the translating of it (as I've mentioned in a previous post). Adult!

Fuyu no Konata: B
Touching. This is one of those stories that makes you wonder why anyone would like Konata. I mean, if this was the way she regularly acted, I don't think I would want to make any type of lasting commitment with her... Anyway, a good story nonetheless. Completely safe.

Hoshi Koi: B-
As someone who likes to have story in my smut, the lack of one in this is a turn off to me. Art's decent (though a bit too loli-ish), though, and I enjoy the "combat edition" underwear, so I would give it a small recomendation. Adult!

Kagami no Ashi no Ura: D+
Can't say I enjoy this one. The art is decent at best, I don't enjoy piss in my porn, and Konata seemed to practically be raping Kagami. Overall, I'd say skip this one. Adult!

KonaxKaga Matome: B+
Screw canon. A nice story with an interesting art style. I really like the idea of turning a canonical situation that could be used against a KonaKaga pairing into a misunderstanding of Kagami's true feelings. Completely safe.

Lonely Kagamin~: C
I am no longer providing a source to download this. It's an okay story that I wouldn't highly recommend, but the main reason being the author's personal take down of their own work. It appears to me they do not wish it to be distributed, so I will abide by that decision of theirs. I'm sure simply having the name is enough for the resourceful to find this on their own. Adult!

Love Like Lucky: B-
Light shoujo ai. Konata pisses Kagami off, Kagami sulks for a bit, they end up making up. Simple and sweet, but not overly memorable. Completely safe.

Niwakaame: B-
If you're reading these in order, you may think LLL was pretty subtexty, this is even more so. A bit comedic at times, attempts to be touching almost all the time, and has a nice art style. This is another non-memorable piece that's simply a nice augmentation to one's shoujo ai and/or KonaKaga collection. Completely safe.

Okayu: KonaKaga C-; Yutaka x Minami B
This one comes in three parts. Part 1 and 3 are based around Konata and Kagami, part 2 is based around Yutaka and Minami. Part 2 I like quite a lot — a comedy through misunderstandings is great — but part 1 is ahoge rape and part 3 is body-transfer rape, so I can't say I enjoyed it too terribly. Safe for a while and one adult picture at the end!

Shino☆Hara: C
Meh. This comes out of a longer doujinshi, but the other parts aren't relevant to this blog. Lower rating comes from lack of story and pee ruins porn. Adult!

The Hiiragis: A-
Cute. That's pretty much the way to sum this up. Good art, short and simple, science babies; pretty much all you could want in something of this length. Completely safe.

Twin Coronet: A-
Very nice. Story is pretty good, Konata comes on to Kagami, but Kagami things her 'love' and Konata's 'love' are different so flees, and ends pretty close to some hawt secks. I like the story, and the art is pretty good, but the :3 smile of Konata's seems to have been glued on in this; her facial expression never changes! Still highly recommended. Gets close to adult!

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Shoujo x Mousou Adult!

Just to show I'm not a KonaKaga exclusive person, here's a doujinshi revolving around Hiyori & Patty. It does have a bit of KonaKaga at the end — and also a page of twincest at the very end — but I'll consider this a non-KK share anyway.

This is untranslated, so if someone out there has the will, please go at it.

Friday, December 4, 2009

KonaKaga "Beyond" & Folders

Our dearest Winterbraid over at Wings of Yuri have released a new KonaKaga scanlation: Beyond. This is a smaller story in a collection called Tonaride Anthology; the untranslated version of said anthology can be found in the untranslated folder at, translated stories will be added to the Tonaride Anthology folder on that site.

I have also made three more folders Two are for longer stories that should be kept together: Classmate Shock and Lucky Point. The other is of one of my favorite artists: Celtrance. I've included Celtrance's two translated doujin I have as well as a collection of misc. images.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Candy Case — Twincest!

Candy Case

So I've been a fan of Candy Boy since the original short. Because of this, I am happy to share a Candy Boy doujin. This is another doujin I worked on fairly early into my proofreading carrier. I started out with Kurogane Ken (and I have another of his works to share a bit later on as well!), moved on to do a few random things (I can think of another Candy Boy one at the time of writing, and I'm sure there are a few more things as well), and eventually settled on mostly KonaKaga stuff.

For those who don't know, the animation of Candy Boy has been translated over at SHiN-gx and the manga adaptation is being done at Tsundere Translations. Hail these places for their greatness, and go check these out if you haven't already!

(Why do I have the be the only named contributor in the credits for this while there's a picture of Anonymous in the background...?)

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Oh /u/...

So I suppose I'm not the most neutral party saying something, but at the same time I feel about as neutral as it gets. The reason I say this is that I have my beginnings working on /u/ without association with major scanlation teams, but I am now a member of Dynasty Scans and an active participant at Wings of Yuri, but am willing to help out with freelance projects even still. I guess what I'm saying is: I have my feet in both waters, so am probably as neutral as they come.

So this is a short post complaining about /u/ and their infantile reactions toward Dynasty Scans. I feel scanlation groups and freelance jobs have two different places: groups for regular releases of specific genres and/or collections; freelance for one-shots that fit into neither category. I feel this system works under the idea that groups are expected to release with consistency. That is to say, if I am waiting for the release of a certain chapter of a manga, then I should not expect many one-shot side projects to be released before that, this being something that slows down the process on the release I am waiting for.

With /u/ deciding it wants to take on Sasame Koto, it does not contribute to the total number of manga released, so is only helpful to those with the patience of a three-year-old (it's been said before: a twice-monthly release of a monthly manga is not slow). The accusations made by /u/ against Dynasty Scans are usually unfounded — I may be accused of holding bias for that statement, but let those who disagree provide credible, substantive evidence and let that be the judge — and this short-lived tiff on /u/'s side will only end poorly on how gracious Dynasty is— and let's face it, Dynasty provides a free service that many others would be happy to charge for.

I remember a time when /u/ got into a tiff with Lililicious about the speed of release of Strawberry Shake Sweet; however, Lililicious was doing exactly what they should do: make SSS a priority, but don't focus on only one thing just because it's popular.

tl;dr: /u/, stop bitching (even though you never do); Dynasty/Lililicious/whoever is attacked in the future, don't mind the penut gallary; freelancers, translate things that wouldn't be translated by the groups (I recall a doujin flow through /u/ once which had an editor waiting for a translation, but no-one met their call).

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

KonaKaga Webcomic

The Webcomic

A while ago over at, someone brought to our attention there was this webcomic going on that was relevant to our interests. I've been helping and collecting it through its translation, and I feel pretty good about what's come from it. The original comic is hosted here, but the link at the top is the translated version, including a txt file of some translation notes I've added along the way.

I'd like to thank the author for making this, but I don't know Japanese; however, if someone does happen to know Japanese enough to figure out how to send a quick "thanks" and a link to our English translation, I think that would be nice for the author. I can't help figuring out how to send something to the author; the most I can think of is to write a message on the comment section at the bottom... If you do send something over, leave a message in the comment section here so others know it's been done. This keeps the author from receiving multiple of the same things — unless you wish to thank the author personally as well, which is always appreciated — but also lets others know if there hasn't been a "thank you" extended yet.